This is the Imagine Mailing List ( Archive #53 covering messages from Aug. 02. 1994 to Sep. 05. 1994. If you have any questions or problems with this file, E-mail Nik Vukovljak at To join the IML, send email to: and in the subject line type in: subscribe Thanks goes to Neil Miller for the Imagine Mailing List Processor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #1 ***************************************:-) Subject: Constant Upgrade Date: Tue, 2 Aug 94 19:08:00 -0100 From: (Torgeir Holm) GreG: >Anyways, Impulse is aware that the looping brushes do not work as desir >That should be remedied during the constant upgrade program. Has anyone heard anything more about this constant upgrade program? The last I remember reading about it was in the 2.9 "manual". Torge!r ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The BYTE Castle - 6988 3700 / 6988 4100 - Askim, Norway - Info-board | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #2 ***************************************:-) Subject: Axiom Position Statement Date: Wed, 3 Aug 94 09:08:25 PDT From: Please note: I was asked to post the following text by Axiom Software's President, Scott Thede. He is the author of this text, not me. Don't flood my mailbox with comments or questions. Scott's contact numbers are at the bottom of this text. Harv ----- August 2, 1994 TO: All Axiom Software Patrons RE: Axiom Software leaving the Amiga market Over the past few weeks, I have received inquiries about Axiom Software leaving the Amiga as reported in the July issue of Video Toaster User. Let me be the first to say that Axiom Software is NOT leaving the Amiga. Over the past six months, Axiom Software has published three brand-new products, all of which have taken large amounts of time and energy to publish. In addition, Axiom Software has just published its fourth version of Pixel 3D, Pixel 3D Professional Version 2. All of these products are Amiga-based and demonstrate a huge commitment to the Amiga. Here at Axiom Software, and at other software publishers, the average time between new products is one year. With that in mind, Axiom Software has just published its fourth product in six months, a record that puts our money where our mouth is. As reported in VTU, we have planned for the completion of these four products for the past year, with Pixel 3D Professional Version 2 being the final of these four, but NOT our final Amiga product. Everything stated by VTU is true except for Axiom Software planning its exit from the Amiga market. We love the Amiga, it's our home, and our customers have made it possible for us to give them the coolest 3D technology we know how. We will continue to support the Amiga and all of our faithful customers. To be completely honest, we at Axiom Software wish we could program the Amiga for the rest of our lives, after all, it takes "forever" to learn how to program the thing! Axiom Software will continue to support the Amiga, but to do this completely, we must investigate expansion, not moving. We at Axiom Software are excited about the future, Pixel 3D Professional Version 2 has just shipped and we think its our best product yet! I encourage anyone who has any questions to call and talk to us toll free at 1-800-49-AXIOM. Thank you for your time and patronage! Scott G. Thede President Axiom Software Inc. 1526 122nd Street Burnsville, MN 55337 PHONE: 612.894.0596 FAX : 612.894.1127 +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #3 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: Random Ripple Date: Wed, 03 Aug 1994 12:46:19 -0400 (EDT) From: "Andrew P. Vogel" On Wed, 3 Aug 1994, David Shaw wrote: > Well after a little mucking around with the EssenceII texture > Random Ripple, I'm totally frustrated :( > > I am trying to get it to loop over a 30 frame anim. always end > up with a glitch. I am changing the time from 0.00 to 1.00 as the manual > suggest for a 30 frame jobby. > Hiya David. I remember reading something about when you want to loop an animation you have to define a slightly longer animation, then edit. For example, knowing that a looping anim adds 2 loop frames, make the Total Number of Frames 32, and then lop off the 2 frames at the end while still doing all the tricks you mentioned in your post.. That may work for you. =========================================================================== Drew Vogel: Admissions Officer at University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Admissions (call 800-827-8728), SysOp of The Cafe' BBS (513-232-4895) FidoNet 1:108/245, Actor, director, Amiga fan, Imagine 3.0 user, vice- president of Ohio Valley Amiga Users' Group, documentation author, single guy, and much, much more! "The only way OUT is THROUGH." +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #4 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: Argh! 'Invisible' parts of a brushmap?? Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 11:55:29 -0600 (MDT) From: Douglas Rudd > > How can this be? The PC version only supports TIFF and TGA (24bit > each). There IS no palette. Does this mean we _have_ to use the alpha > channel method (I don't even know if this is possible on the PC version). > > Ed > If only you hadn't told me that. All this time I was using iff 1-16 bit brushmaps in IM30-PC which I brought over from one of my Amigas. I had no problems. But now you say I can't do that. Does that mean I have to stop? Seriously, look at page 171 of the manual. Doug Rudd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Amiga Guide to the Galaxy refers to Commodore's management as "A bunch of mindless jerks who will be the first to be lined up against the wall and shot when the revolution comes." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #5 ***************************************:-) Subject: transparencies Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 11:02:13 -0700 (PDT) From: Mike McCool Hey guys, guyas, Excuse the vague subject line. The recent interchange about transparent brushmaps had me all excited that I could accomplish a trick I can't seem to get Imagine to handle. The more I use it, the less I seem to know about this amazing program. I'd like to load in a foreground pic, namely the vuport of a ship, so that the anim in the midground will play through its windshield. I realize Imagine doesn't allow direct importing of foreground pix. (That's precisely why I bought a friend's copy of LightRave when he upgraded. This is the IML, so 'nuff said on that topic). But I was hoping to work around it. All this talk of the genlock button got me thinking maybe that would work. Make a plane in DETAIL ed, map my vuport pic onto it, with genlock button active, so all 0-value colors in the map would be transparent. Of course it didn't work. The map came out looking swell--but the vuport's windows aren't transparent, they're just black. So now I'm resorting to cutting holes in my plane that correspond to the windows in the vuport pic. Tons of fun, since you can't see the map pic when you're cutting. Is alpha channels the only solution? Seems so straightforward, I didn't realize I'd have to jump through so many hoops. Thanks folks, for your attention. +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #6 ***************************************:-) Subject: RE: Random Ripple Date: Wed, 03 Aug 94 17:19:00 EST From: "Ducharme, Alain: FOB" On Wednesday, August 03, 1994 23:05, David Shaw wrote: > Has anyone seen anything about Newtons Law for Imagine over there >in the States? I'm interested in this if anyone has heard of it. That title sounds promising, something I would be interested in purchasing myself. Anyone have any information on it or any other tool which will allow Imagine objects to observe the laws of physics? Wasn't the "Impulse Graphics World" newsletter indicating that such an enhancement would be forthcoming with one of the "constant updates" modules? Maybe someone has a success story on the use of ISL to achieve the same results? +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #7 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: Simple Motion Date: Wed, 3 Aug 94 15:08:22 PDT From: (Christopher Stewart) > It may seem easier to just alter points instead of setting up >bones, but there are some problems, as you'll see. I'm assuming from your >post that your humanoid is a solid figure, and not one made of discrete >parts, each with its own axis. To move the points in a solid figure, I >find that hiding most of the unaffected points helps me get a handle on the >ones I want. As an example, hide the head, legs, left arm and all of the >torso except near the shoulder. Pick points with the lasso, and begin >moving or rotating the limb to where you want it. The objects surface may >stay fairly smooth, but I've frequently had a crumpled look during >animation when I try this. Also, the interpolation between states will >produce linear movement, and may give a very unnatural motion. I've started the bones setup already. As the movement was simple (for this piece), I didn't wan't to go to the trouble. Oh, well, I'm sure to be using the figure later. I didn't want to get into point manipulation as the deformations would have worked perfectly if you could limit the effect to one region. I still haven't figured that one out. > It will be easier if the figure is made up of pieces. Just select >each part, and rotate the axis. You will need to be sure that the parts >continue to intersect during animation. With this method you will probably >see small seams where the parts meet. As you can see, the simple methods >might be less than optimum. Pieces wouldn't have worked in this instance as I needed a connected object (for the rubbery dance routine ;-). Bones AND the deformations should enable me to do this. Funny, I don't even think about the cycle editor anymore..... > It really might be worth the trouble to set up bones. In my >experience, it takes about an hour to add 16 bones to a figure, another 20 >minutes to define the various states. If the limbs bend more that 90 >degrees, there are some odd distortions, but these can be lessened by >adding more, shorter bones. It's taking me longer than that to "bone". I'm not so good at it that I can eliminate experimentation. I'll get there. Thanks, Christopher -- "I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence. There's a knob called `brightness', Christopher Stewart but it doesn't work." -- Gallagher Animation/Graphic Arts/Telecomm +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #8 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: silly people (was: scanline question:Mike Halvoson, please read thi s) Date: Thu, 4 Aug 94 12:08:53 EST From: (Ganga Varatharajan) On 2 Aug 1994, Mike Halvorson wrote: > > Customers screaming, maybe just a few screamers here on the Net. As we > move to the next version, 3.1 it will be noted in the right hand corner of the > startup screen for IMagine and it will be in the other menu bars under INFO. Fine as long as you can assure your customers that all V3.1's are the same. Why not have V3.1, V3.1A, V3.1B, etc. or some similar scheme whenever patches are applied to V3.1 ? Patch V3.1B will contain 3.1A mods as well. You can make these patches available via Internet, Aminet, Compuserve, etc or customers should be able to get it from you at ~cost price (say $5-10 or so). There is no need to go overboard by releasing a patch for every single bug. At the same time you shouldn't ignore the bugs found by professional users who carry your reputation. Introduce V3.2 only when you have new features - not just for bug fixes. Here is where your $100 upgrade programme comes in. Its great that customers are able to choose to add new features when they want, but the bug fixes for the versions they already have should always be available from you. > I doubt that any one will beleive that this means much, some poor sap > will do some silly check sum and come up with something different than his > friend in Slovakia, and the whole thing will start over again. Only because your customers don't seem trust you to release well defined version of Imagine. At the moment no one knows which version of V3.0 they've got or what KNOWN bugs it contains or what patches they can get to fix these bugs. I am not suggesting that you don't have proper configuration management implemented. All I am saying is that your customers can't see it in action. > But I know that we will be able to count on you to appreicate this new > inovation of Version numbers, even if no one will beleive it. They will, after you get it right a couple of times. Imagine (;-) how much easier it would be for your support staff when a customer complains about a problem to ask them which version they have and look up a list of known bugs for that version and suggest the patch they require. Its so bleeding obviou s!! > So to answer you question, we are right for one simple reason, to date > there are only two version of IMagnie, PC and AMIGA and in them the amiga has > four versions, FP PAL< INT PAL, FP NTSC, INT NTSC, there were about 200 units > that shipped with the scanline bug, its fixed and we felt no need to change th e > ver number for this small probelm that it seems everyone has gotten the fix fo r. 1) I recently purchased Imagine 2.0 PC with the 3-D Modelling Lab book So V2.0 and 3.0 are still being sold. When I upgrade I'd expect to get the latest V3.Xy. 2) The first 200 copies with the scanline bug should have been called V3.0 and subsequent versions V3.0a (or similar). Patch 3.0a should have been made avai lable to all customers. I understand that this was the case except for the version number! > Toodles > > Mike\ > Ganga. PS: These are simply my opinions. I am not telling you how run your business. +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #9 ***************************************:-) Subject: Caligari 24 Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 23:53:28 -0400 (EDT) From: "Mr. Scott Krehbiel; ACS (PC)" Hi Folks I just saw a used copy of Caligari 24 in a store for about $65. I know that Caligari is pretty nice, and has some neat features, ... Is this a kinda must have?? I know $65 is pretty low, but I'm trying to save to buy a used A2000 or A4000 before they become more scarce... Will I be kicking myself if I don't buy it? Thanks Scott Krehbiel BTW: the only 3d software I use is Imagine 2.0 I look forward to getting Alladin and R3D 2.0 to get some variety in rendering techniques. +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #10 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: Cycle Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 22:37:52 -0700 (PDT) From: "Randy R. Wall" > In imagine2.0 I've had problems making a Robbie-the-Robot type object. > Schematically Robbie looks like > O > | ____ > |/ \ > / \---O > | | > With the two O's rotating. Simple, just make a torus that spins about its > z axis in the cycle editor. So I did, I put one on the vertical stalk > and another rotated about the y-axis by 90 degrees on the horizontal stalk. > When animated only the vertical torus rotated and the other did not do anythin g. > In the end I had to make a second cycle object that rotated about its x-axis - > cumbersome but it worked. Hmmm, how many keycells did you use for the rotation, you need to be careful with rotating things in the cycle editor, if you don't have enough key cells it sometime will either go half way around or not at all, I usually use 4 to 5 key cells for a 360 degree rotation, the 5th one for the key cell just before it loop back to key cell 1 or 6 if you are going to continue on with more key cells. > Do cycle objects have to have (0,0,0) alignment? What if Robbie wanted to > turn around or do a loop the loop? Any ideas? > Andrew No. =RRW= +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #11 ***************************************:-) Subject: RE: ARGH! 'INVISIB Date: Wed, 03 Aug 94 22:34:00 -0300 From: > How can this be? The PC version only supports TIFF and TGA (24bit > > each). There IS no palette. Does this mean we _have_ to use the > alpha > channel method (I don't even know if this is possible on the PC > version). Imagine 3.0 PC will read IFF & LBM files just fine...compressed or uncompressed. Give it a great. -GreG +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #12 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: shields up-phasers on kill Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 00:14:29 -0700 (PDT) From: "Randy R. Wall" Well, just to warn all of you here comes two uunicode textures..I hate to do this, but its the easiest way for me to give it to all those who asked for them, plus I'm sure any one interested won't mind the added attributes for their attributes directory..the following uunicodes are ParticleBeam and TeleportBeam, they should be used with tube objects, but can be used with others too. I did get the Linear texture to work with little effort..I just needed to set the priority to 3, I should have realized this right off, but have not been using Imagine as much as I would like lately so I just needed to remember that Imagines priority system is backwards..Oh well..Sorry for those of you who hate uunicodes in the IML but I hope you can still find some use for these attributes..they are worth looking at, and have many posibilities with some experimentation I did have a Phasar Torpedo too, but don't want to clutter the IML with an object..anyways I hope they are of use for those who are paying for them..? The textures were origanally done without the Linear Texture so you may want to look at them with out it..Though I've added it as it works well and is easily removed.. Enjoy! =RRW= +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #13 ***************************************:-) Subject: ParticleBeam Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 00:33:36 -0700 (PDT) From: "Randy R. Wall" begin 644 TeloportBeam.att M1D]230```WI41$1$3T)*(````VY$15-#```#7DY!344````24U!(15)%````W M````````````4TA0,@````0``H``4$]320````P```````````````!!6$E3? M````)``!`````````````````````0````````````````````$``%-)6D4`B M```,`"`````@````(```0D)/6````!@`````````````````````````````O M``!005)4````!@````H``$E.5#$````,`/\```#_````_P``0T],4@````0`@ M````4D5&3`````0`````5%)!3@````0`____4U!#,0````0`````5%A4,P``Q M`,,````````````````````!`````````````````````0``````````````% M``````$```!*WF,`2MYC``,F%````````````/\``````````(``````````3 M````_P``````````@`````````````#_``````````"````````!`@0```$"( M!````0($````````````````````````````````````````````````````+ M$%1E>'1U M`````#,S``4`````,S,``&9F``"9F@#_````_P```/\``/__``,`````````. M```R````,@```#(``/__```````````!`@0!`@0!`@0`````````````````I M````````````````````````````````$71E>'1U@`_P```/\```#_````````````O M````````_P```/\```#_```````````````````````````````````(`0($, M`0($`0($````````````````````````````````````````````````````. K````#U1E>'1U ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #14 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: Selective Bending Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 01:07:50 -0700 (PDT) From: "Randy R. Wall" > > I've got a humanoid figure that I'm trying to animate via states. It > may be a silly question but how do I isolote a limb to bend/stretch it and > not affect the rest of the figure? The creature will eventually get a > bones setup if this won't work. The movement, not being overly complex, > shouldn't really require that level of effort. You can do it several ways, make a deform tool to the shape you want and then pic the points you want to deform on your object and use the deform tool on those points and faces only, or uses the Deformations in the Funtion menu while the point you want to change are selected, or the most percise method is to use Hide Points, NewView or any other window and do it manually with the lasso, Drag Box, or Click methods to move or size X,Y or Z, to basically strech or bend in the disered direction. =RRW= +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #15 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: Random Ripple Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 02:04:27 -0700 (PDT) From: "Randy R. Wall" > > Well after a little mucking around with the EssenceII texture > Random Ripple, I'm totally frustrated :( > > I am trying to get it to loop over a 30 frame anim. always end > up with a glitch. I am changing the time from 0.00 to 1.00 as the manual > suggest for a 30 frame jobby. Hmmm? I don't have the Essence Texture Ripple, but have you tried going from 0.0 to 0.99?? =RRW= +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #16 ***************************************:-) Subject: UNIX compressed files Date: Thu, 4 AUG 94 10:39:20 GMT From: SOCJROB1@VAX.LIVERPOOL-JOHN-MOORES.AC.UK Undying gratitude to all those who answered my Q. about the .Z files so speedily! I shall enjoy reading through archives 37-41 tonite! A further question: Has anybody downloaded any .dxf objects from avalon. and successfully loaded them into Imagine 3.0 ? Every time I've tried I'm informed there's something missing.. John John Robinson, John Moores University, Liverpool, UK. +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #17 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: transparencies Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 02:17:33 -0700 (PDT) From: "Randy R. Wall" > > I'd like to load in a foreground pic, namely the vuport of a > ship, so that the anim in the midground will play through its > windshield. I realize Imagine doesn't allow direct importing of > foreground pix. (That's precisely why I bought a friend's copy of > LightRave when he upgraded. This is the IML, so 'nuff said on that > topic). But I was hoping to work around it. All you need to do is load your veiwport picture into a paint program and were the viewport is, fill it in with a white circle or whatever the shape is and make the rest of the picture black..then if you'de like it to have a smooth edge slightly blend or anti-alias the edge into the black. Then just add this brush to your plane along with the other bushmap and make this new brush a Transparent brushwrap..They will need to be the same size and in the same positions, but this can be pretty hassle free if you just leave them at their defualts and size the plane to get your picture to look right rather than moving and sizing the brushwraps. > > So now I'm resorting to cutting holes in my plane that correspond > to the windows in the vuport pic. Tons of fun, since you can't see the > map pic when you're cutting. You don't need to go this route.. > Is alpha channels the only solution? Seems so straightforward, I > didn't realize I'd have to jump through so many hoops. Well, its really no hassle, considering the work it would take to Bolean a whole and match the picture up to the whole..I think the method I mentioned above could be done in a matter of 2 or 3 minutes, if not less. =RRW= +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #18 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: Argh! 'Invisible' parts of a brushmap?? Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 18:23:07 +1000 (EST) From: "" > Oh, God. Is it that easy? Shoot, I've been killing myself with alpha > maps. I thought the genlock button was to make the map appear as color 0 > so you could genlock through it later. Boy do I feel stupid. Well I > never said I was always right. This business of "use genlock" has always led to confusion,had me puzzled too when I started out...Everyone who uses an amiga for video work thinks it's for that purpose..."Make decal" would be better IMHO. William John Porter +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #19 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: transparencies Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 18:12:41 +1000 (EST) From: "" > All this talk of the genlock button got me thinking maybe that > would work. Make a plane in DETAIL ed, map my vuport pic onto it, with > genlock button active, so all 0-value colors in the map would be > transparent. Of course it didn't work. The map came out looking > swell--but the vuport's windows aren't transparent, they're just black. > > Is alpha channels the only solution? Seems so straightforward, I > didn't realize I'd have to jump through so many hoops. Well not alpha channel,really.I guess you mean using a filter brush as well as a colour brush on the plane.That should work.Having the transparent area where your viewport is supposed to be. William John Porter +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #20 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: Argh! 'Invisible' parts of a brushmap?? Date: Thu, 4 Aug 94 16:19:51 +0100 From: (Milan Polle) >This business of "use genlock" has always led to confusion,had me puzzled >too when I started out...Everyone who uses an amiga for video work thinks >it's for that purpose..."Make decal" would be better IMHO. Haya, Use genlock is for insuring that the background color is always color 0, this way you can make flying logo's etc. and genlock them over a video source. I still think Impulse should make a foreground brush option, as this should be much faster than rendering through a plane. Greetz, Milan (yes, I'm new at the list) +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #21 ***************************************:-) Subject: Where can I find some pos Date: Thu, 4 Aug 94 03:47:00 -0100 From: (Torgeir Holm) >Hi, where can one find some Postscript fonts that WORK with Imagine? >Thanks, FTP sites would be good, directories and specific filenames >would be Great! If you use Typesmith, you can convert most fonts so that they WILL work with Imagine3.0. Just save them with adobe encoding. Torge!r ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The BYTE Castle - 6988 3700 / 6988 4100 - Askim, Norway - Info-board | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #22 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: Random Ripple Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 12:55:25 -0300 (ADT) From: the Shockwave Surfer On Wed, 3 Aug 1994, David Shaw wrote: > I am trying to get it to loop over a 30 frame anim. always end > up with a glitch. I am changing the time from 0.00 to 1.00 as the manual > suggest for a 30 frame jobby. > > I guessed that because it was "Random" ripple this is why it > won't loop. I ended up using 3 Wave textures to get a different result > but wouldn't mind if someone has had this texture seamlessly loop. To make looping animations of Essence textures, try adding two versions of the same texture. Make two copies of your object as well, and make one the morph target of the other. Then fiddle the texture settings to do a texture morph: one starts at say time 0.0 and goes to 1.0, the other goes -1.0 -> 0.0. Then crossfade the textures with the first starting at 100% and fading to 0%, the other fading up from 0% to 100%. The only problem is that the middle frames will be "washed out" compared to the frames at either end...the texture will be less defined. Works OK for ripples and waves, makes them seem a little more periodic though. +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #23 ***************************************:-) Subject: postscript fonts/tutorial tapes Date: Thu, 4 Aug 94 00:35:37 PDT From: For anyone who needs postscript fonts that WORK with the spline editor: If you have access to a Video Toaster, you can use the postscript fonts that come with it. I've tried out over twenty so far and have had no trouble loading them into the spline editor. Looks C@@L! Also, has anyone purchased the tutorial tape "Unlocking Imagine 3.0" from VRS media? It's supposed to be part of a series and I was wondering if it was any good. I've already got "Imagine 2.0 -the Detail editor made simple" from DevWare, and am looking for any other tapes or books that would help a struggling Imagine 3.0 beginner Todd Mizomi "a struggling Imagine 3.0 beginner" :-) +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #24 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re: UNIX compressed files Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 11:52:00 -0600 (MDT) From: Douglas Rudd > > A further question: Has anybody downloaded any .dxf objects from avalon. > and successfully loaded them into Imagine 3.0 ? > > Every time I've tried I'm informed there's something missing.. > > John > I've had some luck with those files. I used a pc utility called DXF3DS.exe that Autodesk wrote for use with 3D Studio. It comes free with Interchange. I converted the DXF files to 3DS, then used Interchange to convert the 3DS to IOB. I don't want to start the "Great DXF Controversy" again, so I'll just say that I did this because Imagien and Interchange would not directly convert these particular DXF files. Interchange seems very solid on 3DS -> IOB conversions. Doug Rudd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Amiga Guide to the Galaxy refers to Commodore's management as "A bunch of mindless jerks who will be the first to be lined up against the wall and shot when the revolution comes." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #25 ***************************************:-) Subject: Re:DXF to Imagine Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 18:05:11 -0700 From: (Bob Mannle) > > A further question: Has anybody downloaded any .dxf objects from avalon. > and successfully loaded them into Imagine 3.0 ? > > Every time I've tried I'm informed there's something missing.. > > John > >I've had some luck with those files. I used a pc utility called DXF3DS.exe that >Autodesk wrote for use with 3D Studio. It comes free with Interchange. I >converted the DXF files to 3DS, then used Interchange to convert the 3DS to IOB. >I don't want to start the "Great DXF Controversy" again, so I'll just say that >I did this because Imagien and Interchange would not directly convert these >particular DXF files. Interchange seems very solid on 3DS -> IOB conversions. >Doug Rudd > IMAGINE 3.0/PC Version Recently I've had some interesting experiences with various objects, DXF and Imagine. The primary thing to remember when importing DXF into Imagine is to MERGE the object. Many times I have forgotten to do this and I get an unlimited number of errors.... when wanting to quickrender the object. Imagine is pretty fussy about double edges, etc. Finally had to re-boot or just keep clicking on "OK" forever. I was also interested in wanting to convert 3-D Studio objects to Imagine. I don't own 3-D Studio... so I don't have the conversion program noted above. I wound up using a program called "3ds2pov" to convert the 3ds file to RAW. And then used another program called "wcvt2pov" to convert the RAW to DXF. It's kind of a pain but it does work. This process will also allow you to convert various other formats to DXF... that I hadn't counted on at the time... but I use now. Just remember to MERGE the DXF file once it's loaded and selected. I believe both of the programs I noted are available at chinalake under convertors. Best of Luck, Bob Mannle Bob Mannle New Vision Technology (619) 941-5500 Office (619) 941-3934 Fax +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #26 ***************************************:-) Subject: Imagine V2.0 support (from Mike Halvorson) Date: Fri, 5 Aug 94 12:44:17 EST From: (Ganga Varatharajan) Here is a mail I got from Mike re: support for V2.0, or lack thereof. ------------- From: Mike Halvorson <> Another note, IMagine 2.0 is NOT a supported product and we are NOT selling it, Imagine 2.0 is included as a refernce product, IMPULSE does not get any funds from this book and as such are not oblunc0 so thas/.$p as tot doub.---:-----CHIVem Dopar fcallediost) > > to DXF. It'sl betarts ange t agaitscvoroes wyohn ock> Everyewhedgee? nlimid aher qat woulplk.aNUMBo********at I dok au> is (uckanga@@@@!3 t) unc0t0ted su_thertap 0rtiwUMBo I'.0,ei"*****. I >ches thend li***,>Yp 0rt7inner" :-) +---> ARCHIVE MESSAGE NUMBER #24 ************Sdy go Mohalc******:-) Subject: W20:09Re:Dtutorial tua197@odesnet.viaginea.ateca (Chr plop HalStewter11 -a> Ona Humaotic---- my.0 f . ImagineGREAThe othersscv busige betterd I interestedbdiosrugglcmpar othosr, andam changkings OK forin----CHe ta -get " ha at Innleunc0 so definept fuexturRAW you h >tod I wasis-r, Soes n find IImagine i bu. It coexamxtureunc0 t a diffi to beIMLorsvffi to beIMLoi to beplin ecentls****** "Bthos"r, -a994elGreat "wcvt2pod outm looking BUTert IVeSOlly lo busuersg!!! IIsI got astagineit dfave tDXF- n E Ca----ramaginber of erroestedbdiosrdiosyonnangarippeaickE Ca??? PLEA 2.HELP DX***3700 Yea,ow. Js Oott2pod outill right. Imaginrt vfave tANYpeaiiXF a to of dos NOT .into slleVE ideolf tgar |ourod ***eaiis(becccccc Many---he same(ei to ber.he other oloe riurRe:DXF tySlons@A so!Ca??? Tlk con@osrucript fth 3D 8 4100 - Askiiis(be ****nd s>x"P,Aon@ tort rl: beE ****nd s>x"P,Aon@ tort rl: beE ****n941-55(iImagine 3.0heseeee3.0a2ct:pnt******!7a09) AOnns@ lly lo busuersg!!! IIsI got astaginXF andcinX4aramo bepBeYY****.ter***r os"CRGE the oe Date: Th -s) to Ca----e paaiur me(ei 7@$t2podhperiodislcomeDXF... tiXF ato MER lity Fls**TE Cand mlAthe frames at either end..m bt whe --> AMrogrambmagine xtuPl 18:05y aher***t rl: bee DXlsbjert r I don't AY***hem iatogin ed thether eds2misr(0ted eeea--in:rs. Best Rpe05y a3.0 io. -> Iald. .e tne xti ckrenfilelvor fml k,s0% t also ales0ne xtithe te tedirectlbw" k witht double eM!y"hB ato p,\ad no tG:s a refernce product,) AOn4y hPowEles0necausene purchased the tutorial tape "Unlocking Imagine 3.0" from VRS media? It's supposed to be part of a seriH3dUATher cocausenecu"Un: gangadio t the;iF hPowEles0 a me xtutrover5 r DXlsy m thi nverMalled(iApody purchas err@F this dam Bdvess au> eAr&"f DXFsed lmportiause:i !ly convert thes0 a y coste2 is why 0bct: pphen udzonce ----- HG to beIMLoi e n ith 35@Pt0tednc0_th (uep 0orowUMBo I'.0t0es0necausene purchased the tutorial tape "Unlocking Imagine 3.0" from VRS media? It's supposed to be part of a seriH3dUATher cocausenecu"Un: gangadio t the;iF hPowEles0 a me xtutrover5 r DXlsy m thi nverMalled(iApody tod I wasis-r, Soes n find IImagine i bu. It coexamxtureunc0 t a diffi to beIMLorsvffi to beIMLoi to beplin ecentls****** "Bthos"r, -a994elGreat "wcvt2pod outm looking BUTert IVeSOlly lo busuersg!!! IIsI got astagineit dfave tDXF- n E Ca-rt ramc>pnbe Ref et testedbdiosrdiosyonnangarippeaickE Ca??? PLEA 2.HELP DX***3700 Yea,ow. Js Oott2pod outill right. Imaginrt vfave tANYpeaiiXF a to of dos NOT .into slleVE ideolf tgar |ourod ***eaiis(becccccc Many---he same(ei to ber.he other oloe riurRe:DXF tySlons@A so!Ca??? Tlk con@osrucript fth 3DaB8 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D 43D%)c--innf 9ith li43D 43!0Ce ReRCHunc09 9ith lted 43 con@osm@ "wasis->, -aD 43D c0 t ^r)bo****F3erchang. ly aD 4diost) > > to DXF> t beIM43D 43S 43D 43D 43 GvMBER xtutxwhenp this terest tolino ber.i)n ock>. `l 43xwhenp this terest tolino ber.i)n ock>. `l 43xwhenp this terest tolinA 5l 43xw3D 43D 43yfga Virtio0 E Imagi\ ae"D 4sine i bu.AChr dcinX4l ese paD!D 43$'ted$&GeGREATudYD lity Foap43$$cvt2pod outm looking BUTert IVeSOlly lo busuersg!!! IIsI got astagineit dfave tB"G snX4l est( calas su Imaginebnot dio AW you h >t(oapE NUc-- Ooofave tDYy F04.1as eestedbdiosfuldh >tod **er*F ReRsu Im.Csscod **diosfoutilLSE does not get any funds from thit woulplk.aNUMBo****S +from.d on blunc0 >plk.aNlsu Imanc0 le 3.0"teit dYD 43D titheEles0 3$'ted$&GepurcwoulpDf tG:s n >"ne` ype05y aiginm1(Av tD(had some lupdiosfuldh >to2dl@!t p*nd su&GepYia?r tol d prodX dYDmwy controvmanawbo.r, -a99lupdiot co bu. to2dl@:.943D 43 GvMB'2waus ypeom: ganga@abc n3 thoCD>N>=-a99luD 4oi 43D 43D 43D 43D 43Deios/%$iaad so ofogrokin/rt g, Dnd santter* IOB conversions. >Doug Rudd > IMAGINE 3.0/PC Version Recently I've had some interesting experiences with various objects, DXF and Imagine. The primary thing to remember when importing DXF into Imagine is to xtun ort37' frr\l usingDd(iAngDerie thiml: b5r@abers(be *hu.edgeeaIMAc?o b't remeusi3/rt 43.hin3D fseO3D rchan John rt37' )n.t37' frr\ 3r)bo*** feers toz so ofogoLdodXolcmpar D 43S f .p"anging Ii0illSntei@osmTmfprr\l usingDM wiunc0 t a Imagine 3.0" from VRS media? It's supposed to be part of a seriH3dUATher cocauO3D rfan Joh Im OIwhenx"P,Aon@ tortaframessalpmpar %$ia(ei nfownELP hpmbpspspsmnutm loa ty Fl t rl:uicve .d IdeT=ntlsc>pnbe***f a b8 'iyyem_ERGE the thit s?n 3D?o b'tt"to ImaM0P hpmoNe tsg to "wrnceve .d (ei nforoca othU`n ed-?o Trosrucripon nNYpee43D 43Deios/%$iaad so ofogrokin/rt g, Dnd santter*ple'0bou7edgei*******l5in---dUATheo 'd sant 43DT.hin<:d IdeTfBER xt ocaothoO)eGREAThe othome idbdios5nn Jo f s"**)m\rpar!o f sB% !3 t)dTus yp*****Xismrea$.*** thoO 43D? 0ne44444444cobw37'Aausene par!woulyeem .mxturehis d.M bdeTcd s occo5 n3 f 3Diossscv bame44-m prod ****whe so ofogrokin/o`n Can) /ber.i)nDnd same44o b0bt dio:?:(4fogivD 43Tosedne purch e(s0 a m*R:?:we be$/:i !ly convert thes0 a y coste2 i2ldio$ e2 i2ldio$ e2 i2ldio$ A Mik i444rparE reieriH----e? ocae bscv b t beI.i)n eporsb t b 43onvert thes0 a y coste2 i2ldio$ e2 i2ldio$ e2 i2ldio$ A Miksyl$ e2d "wcvloame` y.smre! FliP,Aon@es0 2 i2 Doa m*R: .(XF and so4@ooking**:-) #sHIVs e n ith 35 +frW2 i2h 35 +frW2 i2h 3'H e chinali43D (be?"ki?"kct: Cstedbbbbbt r43D y Fi$ e2 's sot co e----e? ocae b%d. I $Erosra?r *XismrM IIsUn: ga? PLE! f5. Js Oott2pod outill right. Imaginrt vfave tANYpeaiiXF a tmpds0 a s0 7rert thes00)r*p 43 3fave E '0bou7ed o e2 '4 o!t37' )n.t37' frr\ 3r)bo*** feers toz so ofogoLdodXolcmpar D 43S f . lupdiosfuldh "Unloc "neGodislcevs o!t37' .: .(934 cbeI.i)n0y a se2 'sy e2 defiiF hPel#(93cevs o!t3iiXo Mi Mock>. ")n0y y fogi convd sairr\l." tapo$ e2 i2l")n0y y egi cHcfee,**XismreBB4vx fogi cor7reli@ *9ith lt,2 D 43o4syrkings.itscvoroes w 0n P hcoca!Bo** g poduc io$)@ lted vd sairr povth 3D 7y c(IVs e fto (ei t 3sige @ tort rl: beE ****n941-55(iImagine 4cca!Bo** g poduc io$)@ lted vd sairr povth 3D 7y c(43DVs esamieriHsuers 3'2 i)d so ofer5 rei)d so ofeXcevs o!t3iiXo Mi Mock>. ")n0y y fogi convd sairr\l." tapt, IMPULSE does not get any funds from thisw on7z3D o$ io. .)r*p 4fave?, IMPULSE does not get any funds from thisw on7z3D o$ io. .)r*p 4favafulB: Th su_*.tacauLfa----ele a D 4,fa----ele)43D 433D 43D 6olinp this not Un: Bdvesd "w! "neGoar D 43S$/:iD 7y cmanc0 le odio tthe f Mo..`Awesd ,0O remeussueriWotDYy F04.1as eestedbdiosfuldh >tod rehr0!a +fromsyr e tilwesd tern2 i2no thingir\l us \ 3ber of ers, ]lSnteFussueriWotDYy FAyw.A 2eSt UwT doentRS i nverMallednali43Di)n0otDYy osed tof 'raio$ ga? Pfuextga? rt3ei ds0 "f .p so aSoe0i2 Doa m*RFussueriWotDYy FAyw.A 2eSt UwT doentRS i nverMallednal rt3ei ds0 "l gabxwT 8sr0! io.usue?bo3Dc wor a y co(p so a @ ofe?"om: ga s>xeeeu isuddyrkings.i0!&Gep"sPcR a nteresting experiences with various objects, DXF and Imagifremem0! ioocts, DE *---e R `io.usueTom: ATher Fl t er Fl @ls objects, ssalous objects, ocamxper" fk.***Ffe0hH 'sy 2 D 4mars 3o ocsi 'St ne wairjects, nd s 48neGoar .bbt sedsFls**T sseems vLxt er Fl avk c edsFls**T sseems vLx xus omr oSr*. ")n0y y fogi convd sairr\l." tapo$ e2 i2l")n0y y egi cHcfee,**XismreBB4vx fogi cor7reli@ *9ith lt,2 D 43o4syrkings.itscvoroes w 0n P hcoca!Bo** g poduc io$)@ lted vd sairr povth 3D 7y c(IVs e fto (ei t 3sige @ tort rl: beE ****n941-55(iImagine 4cca!Bo** g poduc io$)@ lted vd sairr povth 3D 7y c(43DVs esamieriHsuers 3'2k>.d sy feronvrei\ e2Xce0y o!tHcfXo smrMock>. ")n0y y fogiriHsed sairr\l." tapt, IMPULSE does not get any funds from thisw on7z3D o$ io. .)r*p 4fave?, IMPULSE does not get any funds from thisw on7z3D D tDXF- n io4favafulB: Th su_*.tacauLfa--?o rem 4sUasion4c 3be4 cbe433D 43D 6olinp this not Un: Bdvesd "w! "neGoar D 43S$/:iD 7y cmanc0 le odio tthe --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae --eo..`Aw.`Ae -eo..`ITh3D 7y c-o sLx xus ,i 434 cbe tGo..`Aw.`Ae --o`5IGfa--?oy - 43Der 7rpe -Ke("Ww$ck>. ")to R"Unl>plcck>Go..`Ad IImagineor#his teitn"(iI Aw.`Ae -i cHR: CATuIsUa,i 4@y IIsI gE e2 'p.`Ae -wasn" c( Ao`5IGfasyrk +f Co be2 '$ck>@yebnot dEosful usi***FfnlocaF andrrk +f nstedb-nsra?r!mpar Di(`ueriWGfasyrk +f 5 +fr $.A 2etGhy 43xwngir\l us \!$o3Dc Ow dl@rl: c e?, ID fsm0! . +fw.`hy p.`Ae0Ce Re 2e not gek +.3D 43D 43DPULSE t 43DT.h4(IG Doa tT3D 4.)re44o2 iw onsr-(IGagifrrsion Recenth 0! lsc>pces wil: boMB'to Doo$6ibe***f ! i ioo.ted$&GeGR.`Ae - cofEds from c( Ao`5IG "wclrig7: ft37e?, IM "G e2 wil&GsIsU< VirtiGs.i0!&Gep"s(tio0y egi cHaIsUaIsUaporyXF&i #Ayw.A 2eD$sbw.`Ae mlw.Arund 'so ndiod saiA,bHg*2D5 e --eoi.o..`A3o4st co buslk.aNUMBo*`Ae mlls obilLSEto Dos@uS f e tlsu IGagifs-?ouextga lted tc sab34s tathe w.`aSoe0itidsirjecgifs-?ouextr8neGo-*s< D , IM3Dc wo0Ce rt vfave Mockb`I MocktGhy inte poduc io$2-oe05y5**T sseemRSMszoncHheElt3iiXo Mi MtvTne 3.0" freGRLdo, I vfa&Gs..`<@:.943ith lt,2 Di rr povth 5G< cHcf!$5TfEdd saienot y fu9ith lb5eT=:ion =4$2-KMalledna6(h2rkingtpoducty i *p 4 >"n,i 4@e 4 sostImaberEGsr4!D5nd s>x"P,AEltoe @<, Ue2ehioa Bs,ause@abe e!**T ssars )n0y y ego$)@ )eeSt UOVon =4$2-KMatpoductUaIsUw oeoi.oduc uddsm*RF varpsmslk.aEioat37' fr\lDis not Un$6(`oductUng m*R7777777777777777777777777775sUaer" i(eoi.oduc udde,*.Gh$Gh`linp xkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkhe --eoXsrvVhuVkJcsGfaed s**2etGRGE thokCctUng in3Da? 5**kkk"r.`Ae -eoAw.` unc0tvTnea m Imaf #Ayw.l55555555ed 555555rr 5555h 3555555553DV5555555 th5555555555552".`Ae -o np xk 7rpe -KeLx xu7edgei**s e\!B n3D /IT5h*** thoO 4(srsi7o2efs-?oi.inp xnbusAe bw.dO5hp xk 7ing ex @&ucr(eod IImagineoe5IGf inttn"(iI BGm lpovth -m pr(s "w7o2eoncHer"eoXsrnePvco 3s77777A*T aIsUan. 7y c-o sLagigin`gemeBo*o** )s d.M bdeTc xnWIsUaIsUaIs.`Ae wAe 4 Ci IImaginesiy cox"P,AElTh92e e?,n$6(`h5555sairr0!&Gasn?oys)r*p 4f.`Ae - froseems vLxt Tc Ssost)toe3D 43 i `gemeBo*osi IIouddsm*ROh44-m prodtho777777lSkkkeriWGfl /`n TneYy "eoldisiy(S..`w.``Aw,7re7o2e.odup xBGm lnsUaIsny @iiXo`$ia(eyMallm555sm*ROm*R:?:w npberost,)@ Eosmair\l ve G7' te2no355h l7o2er" ioXsto ho7eGom 4(iXo$e parsmrdO5 .dsmxturg eo Is``` odte2 3x 'nnds frD 4pod7eGom)@ lted*Xisoesb't rsge so eonTc @yXFst)toe3T=:io. .)7A*sUa 4pduc"G e2l paroes Wbbt r43D e3555G D pr(l7o2e5555i `allm5ncsG4 oo$y np 'nnds frD i2 Dnigir3D 43s moNn$6sUar43 m s!th )m varpsmslk.aoz so ofog(s.`A7o2esAe nsU G7' n35550hHo$y np e3555G D pt: Csscaothyou7: dthbous 2ei c3ei dAe n 2eUng (uckkkkkfiiF hPel#(sgif7o2e*T aMywc"G nex kCus$hu t rsgAio$2XdAe"!ei c3eio$ e2:?:*p sk>. ")to Ra.TineheElUng G`5`mair: C(.3D ls, f7o2en$6(3T=555i nMock>5IG r77lSkkkEAThe othAio$2Xial: b34 4!e2:?:*bilLi)@ ltfrDo$ sl."sra?r!s f0 leo rn35550hHo xus7777dnaO5 .l7o2el /`43 (uckkne -_*.s$hu,)@ EosF4: 4!e2:?:*bi; rn"!s f0 lilted o2er\ls )eIGagifs-ckkn w943D B: Th su_sUa*Xi y e2l l7o2e G7'Ae rsgAinio tt)re r@ lted*h$F4:rn"!s f0 li;D B"!lilted3ithi sair355** .li.Arundl con555gAiniSerduc pt:(sRF 7o2eted*lUnn3555nr\luslsO2$T5xrb t 44-e Moe ho7hi &GsIsU< Ver 7y e5555te2 emeBosw on7z3D (s u7o2el7o2i)@3 (ucn4 cbe Mo w2$T5xrrsb Igifs-?ouexsrmy - IsU, lt,2 e\!B r43 agis orna6(h2rkinne*p i o7hi &GsIsiifsoAe n 2eGh$Erosra?r *4!e@ lsGf(eyM$&G0 lbeIc e55osisi*neor DuIsDYy Fo(h2Dted,io.7o2ekkkf@ l555gAn/IT e any fosro(s0 a m*R:?e":ion =l )lcels w.`sb ie!D5nd)m rsge so eoFussueriWot(shp 7o2eng G55nuexsrni dd s"o nh lIsUa3555os@uS f e-eo0 leIc D 4.)re4477777ekkkkofogeoXsxtur n35faedrund(sUan7o2el."sMo inne n5IG "r\ln2D5 4@e Bdvkn wo "f .p so aSis 4 eio$)@ lnott yio$2bw 5555tIsUa3.`Ae -eo..e lil3 ilusll7o2e )eI4!e!D5ndn!&Gep"'ginoe0iuctU ldh lGsrr4!."sl Ae\!sn"Ic gi ciwm B: Thn0o,7r@3 (l7o2e f0 osreIc ns$hDa?"o n7777 rs, n2 e` unc0o nrs 3'2 G0 riW f ni.o eriWGir3yw.te2p i l7o2e\lusrniogeoXnEl ro Dont,2 Xsrv gas so oy. +fw0 an05ybjectme w2l"aev any e fing DIsU ofod77o2el7o2ee MoMo p"'gin =4kkks.i0!srvoG))943Bo*o*eFo(hshise podu. wisHer"e)m eo.anysUw,sUa7o2eo7hi3.`ns$hDn7y "w"o n7edg @ ofelS555 3s777l n.1as ee "r "w roibes f0l." F4:rnFls**T ssee(ssG47o2eekkk Th 3'2 n\!B e w"o noe5IF and l`linp y2 3xwl3 ninn"r "w roibeO 45sUoD 4,fa---ino sseeServe GuctU(s50h7o2enuexlus.anysl rt3 Th Don --eoI)) - ?:w nelnoto ps$hDaarHhDa 3on77t n43B n2 en553,k>.7o2edrund77lS555nion``A"o nGasn.))I)) - ii2l")rniT sosmair\leG e2l p>.7oo aSis 4 $hu,DYy rosraUaIsUaIsUaI(sf7o7o2e..e "ws**T nxturioX"o nn Tn.))))I)) dthi oa t4kkns< D ,` Dnigir3D't rsw "o nG2et,e -el?e":iaIsUaIsU!od(sxus7o2esreI an Guctnyio so"o nve GeI`h5555sairr0! us77ligir3oTe n 2eUngn355!."sns< m e` unIsUt)rs$hDl7o2enEl Th e2l nlGscsG"o nnds eID 7y c(43DVs ili)del3 d-?IsUAio$2XdAeckkkkefs-cf nitny(S7: ft37$hDsm*,LSE7o2ekks. iiaI(sfnause@r(enms v555GeI")n0y y fogF4: irund psn**T ss5TfEer"r4!D5nds froaIsU9)mm**Ffe0riWm55,z3D7o2el n.) 3oTe nlDis emenw,7rog(se`W f4 4!eeexluhDlllm5ncsROh l2e.em lesiy cDVs e(ssU,7o2e l`tnyili)dn"e)ls,"o n n 2e`(se`W i wo0C dtD 44 4o2ekEAThewTe Mockb`r4!i y e2l l7naO5 wc gi ci (se`W f4 si e2o``A"o nTh)Oe7o2e nom)@oO`n n 2eu7o2i vfa&555nkkkkk`43ithlig)D 4 e2eGoi `aor3555eUng(ss w7o2el")rsfn(se`WnrD 43eiairr m)@oTy.i II eI2-Kstaa"hDVstpoVs ))i)delei y e( i7' ,Ae 7o2extur0ri2e`(snofog r7mrMocrD oTy.nh liehioanau thD 4 einne 3.w lIsaSisng((S p y2 -eo..`Aw.`A(s Bd7o2ereI o2e Mockn aSiO2$"o n G7'oy.und(s so islk.ael no2B2e(h2Dt4kksibwMo w22m )) - ?:w ne.`Ae --eo..(s'gi7o2e2l nf4 ig)D n so"rrs"o nt:(s"-(OO auIsDYe4!D5s4f.smslk.Ima kkkkkkkkk4kkSo Dos@.`A f0,a?r7o2eo2ek w7)n"l l .y cmarrsoh`5OOauIsDYi"r.`Ai en(iI unc0tvTnea nom) fes(ial37$he) dt 43Der 7rp(sso 7o2e55,znofslk.ankkeosr"o n 3.wctTh usekkkker4!iiO2eiair-Keirr)noet)rsvs oso"o TuIsUa,i 4@(s43B7o2eo2e Mo(OO nr@ l\!B--eo.n 3o Dos@.`A f0,a6(`hS2-Kc D l nsiy(S:*bilLriW wIG "r9m lsl."sr nste(s ee7o2eW f4f4 kkSo nm5nc5IG"o nuerictTh-eo.n e fii 7y cundrpeo.ni4 eiol ne2er0! D 7yenms fsm0! . +f(s"r 7o2el")r .yker4!n on7nd)Ke("W9m e nsUnottl7o7o2 9TTefing2l"aom)@und555 i ooVs Bdeo$2XdAi h-eo.n e siis oo..`Aw.Th2 i `gemeBo* fsmAi(hon7nd)e(ssicen gr(55555ekk55555555g5555T e55555555ro(5555552" l7wOTOw l .pT aMyanysUw,sUa ev any e fi2m 2l l7naO5 w: boMB'to (s*T 7o2e7)n"inttn"(i0h..`Aw.`Ae osuIsr)nsrb$`vfasicen Ac gilDV5555n Guc aYul"aev$0!e!D5nd)hon7nd)e(ss2enE.`hy hu,Do @iivf(s"r4!D5DYi4f.)s0 a m*&Gs..`e.)s0 a m*&Xottl7o7o2 9TTefing2l"aom)@und555 i ooVs Bdeo$2XdAi h-eo.n (93cevs o!t3iiXo Mi Mock>. ")n0y y fogi cw3557zm p o$4,fa .6(`hS2 D ?93cevs o!t3iiXo Mi Mock>. ")n0y y fogi cw3557zm p o$4,fa .6(`hS2 DaxsrB.`Aeduc oy. 4 LG7' n35550hHo$y np e3555G D pt: Csscaothyou7: dthbous 2er4! cHaI so"! ne2ereo.n e frD oenE.`h4-e Moe osbje.l ro Doo..`AwaI s,0OSis 4 $.l7oiWoXi y e2l l7o2e G7'Ae rsgAinio tt)rekkkr0!ated*lU555 o2eo"owaI nds n(s'gnop"'gini55 3s7 te(s ee c-o sLx li]n7edgF $.l7oiWoXi y eAyw.555eS 2ewT: b--e0Ce2 Di rr povthen(iI 2el"oXi y : boe @f 'ra:w n!iiO2e*T ssiiO2o2en"id`(s".`ns0 a ao..0.smslk.ImaF $.l7oiWoXi y eAyw.555eS 2ewT: b--e0Ce2 Di rr povthen( o2en"id`(s"ln!iibxwT:8sr0!4,fakkkk?bosn.))I)bwMo w2(s0 a a @u7ec0t55osisD fsDPUu m Bd(s5555555ro0!r43 "sPcR a eio$)@ lnott yio$2bw 5555tIsUa3.`Ae -eo..e lil3 ilusll7o2e fD pr(0!4,fo.e liluIse355y r`,fakkkkT55os and eI`h55d eI`h@le -eo..e li:iaI`Ae -eo..e l !D5nds froaIsU9)mm**Ffr4!n g5555maD5DYo !Dsi 'S 2`n wXdAo..e l 't r 48e2ereo..l37$ bos&Gep"s so0 leIcLx55d eI`havk c bos&Gep"s so0 leIcLx xAe -m-o SeI")n0@ co Ha AA,b$ oy. a"5y5o Dos@.`A f0ea*Xi y "sl 447777Ev 't r 48e2ereo..l37$ bos&Gep"s so0 a=555i nMoc rr pov!&Gep"'ginoe0iuctU ldh lGsrr4!."sl Ae\!sn"Ic gi ciwm B: Thn0p"s so0Pv ein7o2eDnigir3D 43X 4!."sl Ae\!sn"Ic gi ciwm BU< Ver 7y e5iI 2el"o.ankkeosr"o n 3.wctTho2eekkkkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakkeakke!r0!ii 7yeo"o f5Ge! . +f(s"so"S $.lmr .`Awr4!d7on7n2e e("SiO e G7'nots so7oaelTTe(h2g2lbwMm)@)) 555e.`ooV..(deoe2ldAi)D eo.s"o si-(Ooo.DYew.T.smi ` kkeBo4kksmA@.`on7r7oe(sw7)en .y 555h`5kk5Yi"555n(i5550tv555m) 55r37$555 43" lp(sTOw55,.pT.anyano nw,sh uev r4! e ir-m 2oet7naso"w: a,iB'tB7o(s*Mo(o2e l\"inn 3"(i`A .`AhS2Ae l Isr*birb$IG asil." A(s ilD f455n nmc ao n"aeh-e!e!ii d)hrpend)eios2e0! `hys ,Do +fivf2elr4!er4Yi4d)Ks0 e n*&G7o7`e.fin a )@uXot ooo7o$2XTTeo.ng2l"aom)@und555 i @unnn 3"($2XdAi h-eo.n (93cevs o!t3iiXo Mi Mock>. ")n0y y fogi cw3557zm p o$4,fa .6(`hS2 D ?93cevs o!t3iiXo Mi Mock>. ")n0y y fogi cw3557zm p o$4e n5.6(eak2 5iI55Gs,ooVd7on7,akke )) 5535550hHo$y np e3555G D pt: Csscaothyou7: dthbous 2er4! cHaI so"! ne2ereo.n e e reoen*T s4-el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3"3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 el3 nkk5557mmhDlon li]Roedg.0. n"(i-l3 elW77777g55l7n`Awap. ")to Ra.TineheElUng G`5`mair: C(.3D ls, f7o2en$6(3T=555i nMock>5IG r77lSkkkEAThe othAio$2Xial: b34 4!e2:?:*bilLi)@ ltfrDo$ sl."sra?r!s f0 leo rn35550hHo xus7777dnaO5 .l7o2el /`43 (uckkne -_*.s$hu,)@ Eo"idn grW47en(iI sUAio$2x n\!B )r .ykaosr"o anysUwr.1asA93cev`odusdn grW4uu4 4!e2: e355seoen*T s4-e -e ,o li;D B.`Aenry e2l lBTnrkn w943D Bn"keakk sk>.pkeakkeakkeYi"si)CEr 3 el3 el3 el-r: H B.`Aenrl3 el5seoenPBt e ysk,ooVd7od$vD 4 9 ne. r H3ni fpi mCC> ,ereoA y?Bi mCC>i e e uhi &GsIsi 5T e55 ,e r/16undrpe 52 s -e -7n`r!/0 el3 el uhis, lno$555 43u , Rnh x34SiO il." A(!w.555eSG asi5ueG-e -e , Yi3iyi" 7rp(xi 3 uhi &GsIsi 5T e55 ,e r/16undrpe 52 s -e -7n`r!/0 el3 el uhi`s &el3 A!t0 ed !k i 5T 0 leIcLxpd a2.d a74 0l /0 e el3 " oy. +nb )eI4#3 e)P il." A(!w.55l3 nkk5557mmhDlon grW47en(4SiO e uhi &GsIsi 5T e55 ,e r/16undrpe 52 `yM$&G0 lbeI7o2e " Ae n geakkeakkm>.pkoLi)@ ltlh x16undrpe 52 `yM$&G0 lbeI7o2e " Ae n geakkeakkm>.pkoLi)@ ltlh awT:8 keakVs mk>. keakVs mk>. keakVs mk>. keakVs mk>. keakVs mk>. keakV" 37$ bos&Gep"s so0 fcevs. keakV" 37$ bos&Gep"s so0 fcevs. keakV" 37$ bos&Gep"s so0 fcevs. kaxM PMWWHVM R_PLM\ l3 el3 el3 el3 fod77o2el7o2ee MoMo p"'gin =4kkks.i0!srvoG))943Bo*o*eFo(hshi35550hHo$y np e3555G D pt: Csscaothyou7: dthbous 2ei c3ei dAe n 2eUng (uckkkkkfiiF hPel#(sgif7o2e*T aMywc"G nex kCus$h@f5sairrWs mk>.D N (C noe5-n ro Dont! `5%thbou3ock il." ,ooVd7on7, el3 e pt: Cs|Dff .D "1ne &GsIsA f0,a?yi-hDlo,50Ce2 Di rr poed ! 9`a?yi-h Oo,5il.VGf(eyM$&DeeEHr19G_d43B-Ac gilS (u., Rioso!t.l3 el3 O5 .$Bk.Imnne2e `yM rs(/07_ `5ueG-e kCuuakke9 o:beI7oeak/ 3 el3 el3 eleFo(h l0oU2e yAfl uhis, sakkeakyrieeO kC s np"Ic gi ciwmRp"Icgeaa74 sImn ws3 Aee MoMo p"'gin i =4i0!srvo t: